Darcey Mussey very kindly sent me these amazing Photographs she took of
Spiders she found in New Hampshire, USA.
Jumping Spider
Family : Salticidae
Darcey told me this great little story : 'I swear when I finished taking
its picture, I said "thank you" and put my finger up to it... and it put its little
foot on my finger like a handshake!'
Franklin, NH, Summer 2010
Agelenidae ?
Hill, NH
Family : Araneidae
Alexandria, NH
Summer 2010
Family : Pisauridae
Hill, NH
Araniella sp. ?
Franklin, NH
Summer 2010
Darcey tells me - 'This one, I found in my sink a few years ago. It's a little
red from some tomato sauce'.
Franklin, NH
Summer 2010
Jumping Spider
Family : Salticidae
Franklin, NH
Spring 2012
This Jumping Spider has beautiful iridescent green Chelicerae.
Family : Salticidae
Franklin, NH
Summer 2010
All Photographs by Darcey Mussey
Spiders she found in New Hampshire, USA.

Jumping Spider
Family : Salticidae
Darcey told me this great little story : 'I swear when I finished taking
its picture, I said "thank you" and put my finger up to it... and it put its little
foot on my finger like a handshake!'
Franklin, NH, Summer 2010
Agelenidae ?
Hill, NH
Family : Araneidae
Alexandria, NH
Summer 2010
Family : Pisauridae
Hill, NH
Araniella sp. ?
Franklin, NH
Summer 2010
Darcey tells me - 'This one, I found in my sink a few years ago. It's a little
red from some tomato sauce'.
Franklin, NH
Summer 2010
Jumping Spider
Family : Salticidae
Franklin, NH
Spring 2012
This Jumping Spider has beautiful iridescent green Chelicerae.
Family : Salticidae
Franklin, NH
Summer 2010
All Photographs by Darcey Mussey
Thanks so much for sharing my pictures with other spider lovers!